Автори: Станіслав Коваленко, Сергій Гречуха
Розділ: Медицина И Биология
Видано у номері: 2016, 1
Ключові слова: сопротивление дыханию на выдохе, тренировка гребцов, resistance to breathing at the exhalation, training rowers
The paper is devoted to the evaluation of the impact of additional resistance to breathing at the exhalation on the condition of the functional systems of the body and experimental validation of the methodology to use it in the training process of highly qualified rowers. The author found that additional resistance to exhale amounting to 25 cm H2O·l·s-1 leads to the changes in hemodynamics and ventilation para-meters, which are specific for rowers. The use of the breathing exercises with additional resistance to exhale during warm-up was found to improve recovery processes after workouts, while their use during the rest intervals between repeated races ensures the uniformity of the results. On the basis of the study it is suggested to use the additional resistance at the exhalation to increase the level of specific endurance of elite rowers.

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