Автори: Рюдігер Фріц, Фолькер Клюге
Розділ: История
Видано у номері: 2016, 4
Ключові слова: Международный олимпийский комитет, Альберт Мейер, Albert Meyer, photographer, фотограф, International Olympic Committee
The paper is about a photographer Albert Meyer who was the first one to immortalize on the photos the members of the International Olympic Committee. The skills of Meyer is shown along with the care with which the photographer had composed his shots detailing the placement of all those who should be present in the photo. It is noted that Meyer did a splendid job for the Olympic movement. Without his shots we would learn much less about Olympic Games in Athens 1896.

Онлайн версия журнала "Наука в олимпийском спорте""

2021, 4
2021, 4
Crossref Member WorldCat Index Copernicus Ulrichs Академия Google Бібліотека Вернадського Наукова періодика України (УРАН)