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Biomechanical characteristics of key elements of sports technique of apparatus exercises in the women’s gymnastics all-around Boloban Viktor,
Potop Vladimir
Biomechanics 2014, 1 анно�.а�.и�.
Biomechanical characteristics of technico-tactical actions of skilled weightlifters in the competitive exercises with account for their component modelling Oleshko Valentin Sports Training 2014, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Biologically active supplements in the system of pharmacological promotion of elite hockey-player training proces Gavrilova Yelena,
Gunina Larisa
Medicine 2014, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Biomechanical characteristics of static-dynamic stability of top level athletes (based on artistic gymnastics) Boloban Viktor,
Litvinenko Yuri,
Niźnikowski Tomasz,
Sadowski Eźi
Biomechanics 2014, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Biorhythmologic characteristics of changes in adaptation capacities of highly skilled swimmers during east to west long-range travels Apokin Vitaly,
Povzun Aleksandr
Medicine 2015, 1 анно�.а�.и�.
Exercise-induced bronchial asthma: issues of prevention and requirements of WADA Gunina Larisa Меdicine And Biology 2016, 2 анно�.а�.и�.
Biomechanical features of clean and jerk technique in qualified female athletes Ivanov Artem,
Oleshko Valentin,
Solodkaia Oksana
Biomechanics 2017, 3 анно�.а�.и�.

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