Автори: Надія Височіна, Микола Безмилов
Розділ: Психология
Видано у номері: 2015, 3
Ключові слова: психологическое обеспечение, психологическая подготовка, соревновательная деятельность, многолетняя подготовка, psychological support, psychological preparation, competitive activity, long-term training

Objective. To determine the place and the content of psychological support in the system of preparation of athletes in sports games.
Methods. Analysis and compilation of data of special scientific and methodical literature, survey, structural and functional analysis, analysis of the data of the Internet.
Results. Conceptual directions and content of psychological support of preparation in sport games have been determined. Among the important conditions to be considered in the process of psychological support the following have been highlighted: the system of relations within the team; rotation of structure of command; «density» of the game season, the level of qualification, as well as the individual characteristics of the individual players.
Conclusion. The psychological support should be seen as an essential element of the common system of preparation of athletes in sport games. When using tools and methods of psychological preparation it is necessary to consider the specific features of the competitive activities of sports games and tasks that are at different stages of a multi-year improvement.

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