Автори: Олександр Гринь, Катерина Зора
Розділ: Психология
Видано у номері: 2016, 4
Ключові слова: травма, посттравматический стресс, эмоционально-волевой ресурс, феномен навязывания, феномен избегания, тренинг, injury, post-traumatic stress, emotional and volitional capabilities, intrusive memories, avoidance, training
The paper deals with the issue of using emotional and volitional capabilities to cope with post-traumatic stress in athletes in the course of recovery after injuries. The role, the major meaningful characteristics and the components of emotional and volitional capabilities used in coping with post-traumatic stress in athletes were determined. It was demonstrated that, depending on the severity of post-traumatic stress symp-toms injured athletes may be differentiated according to the character and the dynamics of occurring psychoemotional responses. A number of significant differences in the indices related to adaptation to stress factors were revealed in studied groups of athletes. Training course aimed at enhancing emotional and volitional capabilities was developed as a mean to increase athletes’ resistance to post-traumatic stress.

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