Розділ: Информация
Видано у номері: 2017, 4
Ключові слова: конференция, устойчивое развитие, меморандум, резолюция, conference, sustainable development, memorandum, resolution
On November 15-16, 2017, the International Conference "Sustainable Development and Heritage in Sport: Problems and Prospects" was held at the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine. More than 300 scientists, teachers and other specialists of different profiles, doctoral and graduate students from 11 countries took part in it. At the opening ceremony of the forum, besides the participants of the international conference, have been attended diplomats, representatives of various ministries, departments, public organizations of Ukraine, etc. During the celebrations, three memorandums of partnership and cooperation were signed, which should promote positive changes in involving the population through sport to protect the environment, teaching behavior culture in relationships with nature and promoting respect for it. The main provisions of the resolution adopted at the end of the conference are presented in the article and identify the necessary steps in achieving sustainable development in the field of physical culture and Olympic sports.

Онлайн версия журнала "Наука в олимпийском спорте""

2021, 4
2021, 4
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