Accumulation of fatique and means to compensate for it in the course of training and competitive activity of rower athletes Xianglin Kong, Andrei Diachenko
Objective . To examine the means for increasing the level of specific working capacity of rower athletes taking into account the factors that reduce fatigue when it accumulates in the second half of the distance.
Methods. Monitoring of competitive activity, ergometry, respiratory gas analysis, biochemical methods.
Results. The article presents an integrated approach to diagnosing functional capabilities and specific working capacity of the top rowers of the province of Shandong (China). Particular attention was paid to the control and assessment of specific working capacity of rowers under conditions of latent (compensated) fatigue. The composition of test tasks, the monitoring of the indicators of the cardiorespiratory system response and energy supply during the periods of steady state (at the initial point of reaching . VO2max) and compensation for fatigue, and after "refusal to continue exercising», and the interpretation of the results of the control made it possible to determine the nature of the functional bases of specific working capacity and also individual parameters of duration and intensity of the training modes. On this basis, new means of specific physical preparation have been developed, which take into account the patterns of fatigue accumulation and the capabilities to compensate for it during the competitive event. A fundamentally important condition for assessing functional capabilities is the identification of the individual load parameters in terms of power, time, and tempo-rhythm structure of work (when working in a boat).
Conclusions. It is shown that, in the period of latent fatigue accumulation, in rowers with a high level of specific working capacity under conditions of latent (compensated) fatigue, consumption of O2 decreases by no more than 3.0 %, while the RER ( .V CO2· . VO2 -1) increases by 1.01 ± 0,02 arb. un., .V E· . VO2 -1 increases by 5-6 %, and .V E·СO2 -1 increases by 7-9 %. This group of rowers demonstrated also the high values of . VO2max, La, and ergometer power at . VO2max under simulated conditions of the second half section of the race distance. A decrease in these parameters of the cardiorespiratory response and energy supply of work is accompanied by the changes in the structure of the functional bases of rowing and, as a result, by a decrease in specific working capacity under conditions of latent (compensated) fatigue.
Objective . To examine the means for increasing the level of specific working capacity of rower athletes taking into account the factors that reduce fatigue when it accumulates in the second half of the distance.
Methods. Monitoring of competitive activity, ergometry, respiratory gas analysis, biochemical methods.
Results. The article presents an integrated approach to diagnosing functional capabilities and specific working capacity of the top rowers of the province of Shandong (China). Particular attention was paid to the control and assessment of specific working capacity of rowers under conditions of latent (compensated) fatigue. The composition of test tasks, the monitoring of the indicators of the cardiorespiratory system response and energy supply during the periods of steady state (at the initial point of reaching . VO2max) and compensation for fatigue, and after "refusal to continue exercising», and the interpretation of the results of the control made it possible to determine the nature of the functional bases of specific working capacity and also individual parameters of duration and intensity of the training modes. On this basis, new means of specific physical preparation have been developed, which take into account the patterns of fatigue accumulation and the capabilities to compensate for it during the competitive event. A fundamentally important condition for assessing functional capabilities is the identification of the individual load parameters in terms of power, time, and tempo-rhythm structure of work (when working in a boat).
Conclusions. It is shown that, in the period of latent fatigue accumulation, in rowers with a high level of specific working capacity under conditions of latent (compensated) fatigue, consumption of O2 decreases by no more than 3.0 %, while the RER ( .V CO2· . VO2 -1) increases by 1.01 ± 0,02 arb. un., .V E· . VO2 -1 increases by 5-6 %, and .V E·СO2 -1 increases by 7-9 %. This group of rowers demonstrated also the high values of . VO2max, La, and ergometer power at . VO2max under simulated conditions of the second half section of the race distance. A decrease in these parameters of the cardiorespiratory response and energy supply of work is accompanied by the changes in the structure of the functional bases of rowing and, as a result, by a decrease in specific working capacity under conditions of latent (compensated) fatigue.
Цель. Охарактеризовать средства повышения уровня специальной работоспособности спортсменов в гребле академической с учетом факторов компенсации утомления при нарастающей его степени на второй половине дистанции.
Методы. Мониторинг соревновательной деятельности, эргометрия, газоанализ, биохимические методы исследований.
Результаты. В статье представлен комплексный подход к диагностике функциональных возможностей и специальной работоспособности ведущих спортсменов в гребле академической провинции Шаньдун (Китай). Особое внимание было уделено контролю и оценке специальной работоспособности гребцов в условиях скрытого (компенсируемого) утомления. Композиция тестовых заданий, регистрация показателей реакции кардиореспираторной системы и энергообеспечения работы в период устойчивого состояния (в начальной точке достижения VO2max), в период компенсации утомления и «отказа от работы», интерпретация результатов контроля дали возможность определить характер функционального обеспечения специальной работоспособности, а также индивидуальные параметры длительности и интенсивности режимов тренировочной работы. На этой основе разработаны новые средства специальной физической подготовки, которые учитывают характер накопления утомления и возможности его компенсации в период преодоления соревновательной дистанции. Принципиально важным условием диагностики функциональных возможностей является определение индивидуальных параметров нагрузки по показателям мощности, времени, темпоритмовой структуры работы (при работе в лодке).
Заключение. Показано, что в период развития скрытого утомления у гребцов с высоким уровнем специальной работоспособности в условиях скрытого (компенсируемого) утомления потребление О2 снижается не более чем на 3,0 %, при этом показатели RER увеличиваются на 1,01 ± 0,02 усл. ед., VE·VO2-1 - на 5-6 %, VE·СO2-1 - на 7-9 %. У этой группы гребцов зарегистрированы высокие показатели . VO2max, La, эргометрической мощности работы, при которой гребцы достигли . VO2max, и при моделировании отрезка второй половины соревновательной дистанции. Снижение указанных характеристик реакции КРС и энергообеспечения работы сопровождается изменением структуры функционального обеспечения работы гребцов, и как следствие, снижением специальной работоспособности в условиях скрытого (компенсируемого) утомления.