Educational potential of the Olympic movement cultural heritage

Authors: Valentina Yermolova, Іryna Krol
Chapter: Olympic Education
Published in: 2019, 2
Keywords: Olympic education, Olympic movement, cultural heritage, Olympism, schoolchildren, institutions of general secondary education, artistic culture, art, values, educational subjects, humanitarian, artistic, aesthetic, олімпійська освіта, культурна спадщина, олімпійський рух, олімпізм, школярі, заклади загальної середньої освіти, художня культура, мистецтво, цінності, навчальні предмети, гуманітарний, художній, естетичний

Objective. Theoretical substantiation and experimental testing of the efficiency of using the Olympic movement cultural heritage as an effective factor in the education of adolescents in the educational environment of institutions of general secondary education (IGSE) of Ukraine.
Methods. Theoretical analysis and analytical review of scientific-methodical literature, materials of the Internet, educationalmethodical programs of IGSE, questionnaires, M. Rokich’s methods, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. Analysis of contemporary ideas about the Olympic culture significance as a carrier of historical, ideological, axiological potentials, which can contribute to the formation of initiative, independence, creative and criticality thinking among students has been conducted. The effectiveness of implementing the developed practical recommendations for the integration of the achievements of the Olympic movement cultural heritage in the process of teaching the subjects of “History”, “Foreign Literature”, “Geography”, “Physical Culture” and the integrated course of “Art” for pupils of the 8th grade of the IGSE of Ukraine, which contain reproductions of works of various art related to the Olympic movement and information about their involvement in outstanding events contributing to the realization of the tasks of the New Ukrainian School - the formation of axiological, culture-universal, educational-cognitive competence and that of personal self-improvement has been proved.
Conclusions. The study showed that the use of the Olympic movement cultural heritage in the educational process of the IGSE of Ukraine contributes to attracting a wider range of students to humanistic ideals and values of Olympism, the Olympic heritage, physical culture and sports activities and healthy lifestyles.
В статье доказана эффективность интеграции произведений искусства, причастных по своему смысловому содержанию к культурному наследию олимпийского движения, в процессе преподавания предметов гуманитарного и художественно-эстетического циклов, что способствует реализации задач Новой украинской школы - формированию у школьников ценностно-смысловой, общекультурной, учебно-познавательной компетентностей и компетентности личностного самосовершенствования.

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