Sensorimotor coordination as the basis of technical preparation

Authors: Viktor Boloban
Chapter: Biomechanics
Published in: 2019, 4
Keywords: sensory systems, coordination, statokinetic stability, body balance, technical preparation, vestibular training, сенсорні системи, координація, статокінетична стійкість, рівновага тіла, технічна підготовка, вестибулярне тренування

Objective. To analyze and evaluate sensorimotor coordination as the basis of technical preparation.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, vestibulometry, stabilography, testing, expert evaluation, control tasks, vestibular training.
Results. Sensorimotor coordination indices of those studying under the general education program reach optimal individual-age values up to 12-14 years in boys and 11-13 in girls; the increase in statokinetic (vestibular) stability of children aged 10-12 years reaches high rates (up to 40% of baseline), which is confirmed by the results of agility development, which is manifested during technical action demonstration. Sensorimotor coordination of masters of sports and masters of sports of the international class, mainly, corresponds to the level of technical skill, specificity of sports events, functional responsibilities of athletes, "participates" in the formation of the strategy of movement management, "works" as the internal unity of the content of the phase structure of exercise sports technique.
Conclusion. The optimal functioning of the vestibular sensory system is of practical importance for achieving the intended sports results in various sports events, but above all in those where the athlete is required to display a high level of sensorimotor coordination. The development and improvement of sensorimotor coordination as a basis for technical preparation and fitness are achieved by means of vestibular training (programs: Orientation, Coordination, Posture, Balance, Motor interaction) under strict regulation and control of performed exercises. The lack of adequate training of the vestibular analyzer causes sensorimotor coordination disorder, which, in turn, leads to technical errors in the movements of athletes.
Осуществлен анализ и дана оценка сенсомоторной координации как основы технической подготовки.

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