E-learning in Olympic education system

Authors: Maria Bulatova, Oleksander Kucheriavyi, Elena Yarmoliuk
Chapter: History
Published in: 2020, 1
Keywords: distance learning, Olympic education, center for Olympic research and education, дистанційне навчання, олімпійська освіта, центр олімпійських досліджень та освіти

Objective . The article is aimed to define the content and the components of e-learning system in Olympic education based on the generalization of international experience of applying modern information and communication technologies at the Centers for Olympic studies and education.
Methods : Theoretical analysis and analytical review of literature, materials of the Internet, web-sites of the Olympic study centers, system analysis, questionnaires, SWOT-analysis, methods of mathematical statistics.
Results : The content, organizational structure and the impact of external and internal factors of the informational-educational environment of the distance learning in the Olympic studies center were determined to reveal the effectiveness of the implementation of distance learning technologies into the Olympic education system.
Conclusions .
Results of the research showed that proposed module of distance education ‘Olympic Legacy’ in the International centre for Olympic studies and education at the Olympic Educational and Scientific Institute of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sports should be considered as an instrument for raising the level of professional education in the field of physical culture and sports.
В статье проанализированы организационно-функциональная структура и влияние внешних и внутренних факторов информационно-образовательной среды дистанционного обучения в Международном центре олимпийских исследований и образования Украины для дальшейшего выявления эффективности внедрения технологий дистанционного обучения в систему олимпийского образования.

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