Games of the XXII Olympiad: a look 40 years later

Authors: Maria Bulatova, Valentina Yermolova
Chapter: History
Published in: 2020, 3
Keywords: Games of the Olympiad, Olympic torch relay, Olympic heritage, USSR, Ігри Олімпіади, естафета олімпійського вогню, олімпійська спадщина, УРСР

doi: 10.32652/olympic2020.3_2

Objective. To analyze the preparation of the Ukrainian SSR in general and Kyiv, in particular, for the Games of the XXII Olympiad of 1980. To determine the legacy left by the Games-80 for the Ukrainian SSR and its capital - Kyiv.
Results. In 1980, Moscow hosted the XXII Olympic Games - the first in the history of the Olympic Games, held in Eastern Europe, as well as the first Olympic Games held in a socialist country - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Kyiv, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), and Minsk hosted the football group tournaments and quarterfinals, Tallinn - sailing competitions; Mytyshchi town near Moscow - rifle and pistol shooting competitions. The contribution of the Ukrainian SSR, heritage of its seven regions and capital to the preparations for the XXII Olympic Games to the meeting and holding of the Olympic torch relay has been analyzed. The Games left an Olympic - new modern unique (at that time) sports complexes and other facilities that are still functioning today. The works carried out on the territory of the republic allowed to change the look of its villages and cities, repair about 6,500 km of roads, build and reconstruct 47 stadiums, open 114 hotels, dormitories, motels, and campsites, three subway stations, etc. In the period from 15 to 28 July 1980 the hotels of the capital of the Ukrainian SSR, Kyiv have accommodated and served 44,305 people - 24,781 Soviet tourists and 19,524 foreigners. In addition to attending football matches, they were also offered a wide cultural program, which involved the best Ukrainian creative teams and performers of the republic.
Conclusion. The experience of holding the football tournament of the XXII Olympic Games in 1980, which took place in Kyiv, showed the huge potential of the Ukrainian SSR, the level of its socio-economic development, and most importantly - the pride of its population for their homeland. The XXII Olympic Games of 1980 had a significant impact on the further development of physical culture and sports in the Ukrainian SSR.


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Received: 16.10.2020


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