Modern sport science: information environment and academic integrity

Authors: Vladimir Platonov
Chapter: Academic Integrity
Published in: 2021, 1

doi: 10.32652/olympic2021.1_9

This article is devoted to the problem of academic integrity in sports science. Based on the generalization of special literature, legislative acts, normative documents, the activities of international organizations to comply with the basic principles of scientific ethics and combat their violations, the problem of academic integrity and its reflection in modern sports science in Ukraine is analyzed. The basic values ​​of academic conscientiousness are highlighted, the information environment of sports science is characterized, the manifestations of dishonesty in scientific research and the publication sphere are analyzed, the crisis phenomena in the scientific and educational spheres and their impact on academic conscientiousness are analyzed, the reasons for the emergence and features of the development of the pseudonym are analyzed. Scientific environment, ways to ensure academic integrity and sanctions policy against violators of its principles and requirements, such concepts and phenomena as "self-plagiarism" and "anti-plagiarism" are affected. The requirements for scientific research and publications, ensuring their compliance with the fundamental values ​​on which scientific and educational activities are based, are characterized.


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Received 18.09.2021


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