Importance and types of applied exercises for all-round physical training in sports

Authors: Valentyna Sosina
Chapter: Sports Preparation
Published in: 2021, 3

Sosina V. Importance and types of applied exercises for all-round physical training in sports. Science in Olympic Sport. 2021;3:4-8. DOI:10.32652/olympic2021.3_1

Objective. Identification of the main traditional and innovative applied exercises that contribute to the effective all-round physical training of athletes.
Methods. Analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet data; structural and functional analysis; modeling.
Results. The importance of applied exercises and their impact on the body of athletes are outlined as well as traditional and innovative types of applied exercises, which are used during the training of athletes and contribute to improving their all-round physical fitness, are described and characterized. The article provides an analysis of the following types of applied exercises: walking and running, climbing and obstacle climbing, jumping, hanging and supports. These are divided into two groups: traditional and innovative. In some cases, this division is artificial, as for some sports the exercises are traditional, while for others they are innovative.
Conclusions. All-round physical training is the foundation for further improvement of an athlete’s performance, which includes traditional and innovative types of applied exercises used as an effective means of achieving the goal of athletic training.

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Received 20.08.2021


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