Organization of control of psychological preparedness in qualified taekwondo fighters in four-year Olympic cycles

Authors: Nadiia Vysochyna, Iryna Romoldanova
Chapter: Psychology
Published in: 2021, 3

Vysochyna N, Romoldanova I. Organization of control of psychological preparedness in qualified taekwondo fighters in four-year Olympic cycles. Science in Olympic Sport. 2021;3:26-36. DOI:10.32652/olympic2021.3_4

Objective. To create a universal algorithm for organizing the process of psychological control of the preparedness of qualified taekwondo fighters within the system of preparation for the Olympic Games and to determine its structure, content, key principles, and directions.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodical literature and the Internet, structural and functional method, pedagogical observation, expert evaluation, and methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. The material on control of psychological preparedness of qualified taekwondo fighters was systematized and interpreted. On this basis, the essence of psychological control and its types in the system of psychological support of qualified taekwondo fighters’ preparation in four-year Olympic training cycles were identified and the algorithm of its implementation was developed.
Conclusions. The universal algorithm for organizing the process of psychological control was developed; the structure, content, key principles, and directions of this activity within the system of athletes’ preparation for the Olympic Games were identified. A set of informative psychological components recommended by experts to diagnose the individual structure and status of psychological preparedness in qualified taekwondo athletes over four-year Olympic cycles was developed. It was found that the priority of significant psychological properties and capabilities that affect competitive performance may change depending on the athlete’s experience. It was proved that an important task of psychological preparedness control is to create individual psychological profiles of taekwondo fighters, which can be used as a model reference point in the earlier stages of long-term training. The directions of using psychological control data in the process of training qualified taekwondo fighters in four-year Olympic cycles were identified.

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Received 02.10.2021


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