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Emotional intelligence and competitive anxiety of athletes Petrovskaya Tatiana Psychology 2014, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Erythrocytes in laboratory control for athletes as the markers of body functional state (by the example of swimming) Boykov Vasily,
Kozhuh Nina,
Margazin Vladimir,
Vikulov Aleksandr
Меdicine And Biology 2015, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Emotional-volitional capabilities for coping with post-traumatic stress in athletes Grin Alexander,
Zora Katerina
Psychology 2016, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Ecological component of sustainable development of the sphere of physical culture and sports Imas Yevgenii Sociology, Economy, Management 2017, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Effectiveness of the administration of the “Antilaktat” dietary supplement and the “Alakton” product as a means of improvement of recovery processes in skilled wrestlers Sazonov Vitalii,
Zemtsova Irina
Меdicine And Biology 2018, 1 анно�.а�.и�.
Efficiency of training programs aimed at agility development (the case of hand-to-hand fighting) Nikitenko Aleksei Sports Preparation 2018, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Competitive activity efficiency of highly skilled cyclists depending on functional fitness level Pavlyk Anatolii Sports Preparation 2019, 3 анно�.а�.и�.

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