Sports science of Ukraine: chapters of history

Authors: Vladimir Platonov
Chapter: History
Published in: 2020, 3
Keywords: sports science of Ukraine, scientific achievements, science and practice, спортивна наука України, наукові досягнення, наука і практика

doi: 10.32652/olympic2020.3_1

The rich and multifaceted history of sports science of Ukraine contains many various and ambiguous events. These are not only the achievements of various scales, which were the result of painstaking scientific inquires carried out by generations of our scientists in the course of fundamental and applied studies, but also serious difficulties and acute issues caused by both objective and subjective reasons generated by various phenomena that occurred in the country at this or that stage of historical development. 1920 was a significant year in the history of Ukrainian sports science when the sport began to develop in Ukraine and there was a need for special knowledge and specialists in the field of physical culture and sports. In 2020, 90 years have passed since the foundation of the Central Sports Institution of Ukraine, which began its history in 1930 in Kharkiv - the capital of the USSR - as the State Institute of Physical Culture of Ukraine (SIPCU). The content of this article is limited to the material, which presents the basics of the origin and first steps of Ukrainian sports science in the 1920s, which greatly influenced the opening of SIPCU, as well as the brightest pages of its subsequent history associated with this institution. The article describes various historical stages of sports science development: 1920-1930 - the formation of a system of physical education and sports, discipline-specific education and sports science in a very difficult, tough, and controversial period - from the October coup of 1917 to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War; 1940s - 1950s - development of sports science in the new socio-political conditions driven by the USSR's entry into the international sports arena and its inclusion in the Olympic movement; 1960s - sports science in the conditions of an ill-considered reorganization of the system of elite sport in the country; 1970-1980s - a period of intensive development of sports science, its sharply increased impact on the achievements of athletes and training of specialists; 1990-2010 - Ukrainian sports science after the collapse of the USSR and gaining Ukrainian independence.


1. Alter MD. Nauka o gibkosti: per. s angl. [Science of flexibility] K.: Olimp. lit., 2001. 424 s.

2. Andríêvs'kiy V. Pobudova uroku s fekhtuvannya. [Fencing lesson design] Sport, 1938;6:20-3.

3. Baka MM, i dr. Sotsial'no-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta. [Sociobiological issues of physical culture and sport] Kiyev: Zdorov’ya, 1983. 248 s.

4. Baka MM. Organizatsionno-metodologicheskiye osnovy razvitiya fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta v respublike (na materiale Ukrainskoy SSR) [Organizational and methodical bases of physical culture and sport development in a republic (Ukrainian SSR)] [dis.. d-ra ped. nauk v forme nauch. dokl.]. GTSOLIFK. M., 1990. 32 s. 49 s.

5. Bal'va V. Osnovi tenísu. [Tennis fundamentals] Sport, 1938;6:10-5.

6. Bar-Or O, Rouland T. Zdorov'ye detey i dvigatel'naya aktivnost' ot fiziologicheskikh osnov do prakticheskogo primeneniya; [Children health and motor activity from physiological bases to practical application] per. s angl. I. Andreyev. K.: Olimp. lit., 2009. 528 s.

7. Bedunkevich V. Izucheniye priyemov bor'by.[Mastering wrestling skills] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1926;1:10-2.

8. Bedunkevich V. Legkaya atletika. [Track and field]Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1924;3:4-6. 1924;4:6-8. 1924;5-6:3-7. 1924;7:2-5. 1924;8:6. 1924;9-10:8- 9. 1924;14-15:7-8; 1925;4:7-9.

9. Bedunkevich V. Osnovy tekhniki podnimaniya tyazhestey.[Bases of weight lifting techniques] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1924;2:5-7.

10. Biryukov AA. Lechebnyy massazh: uchebnoye posobiye dlya stud. vuzov FVS. [Therapeutic massage] K.: Olimp. lit., 1995. 200 s.

11. Blyakh VA. Individual'naya gimnastika dlya zhenshchin. [Individual gymnastics for women] Khar'kov: VFK, 1928. 104 s.

12. Blyakh V. Vrachebnyy kontrol'. [Medical control] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1924;17-18:4-5.

13. Blyakh V. Lichnaya gigiyena fizkul'turnika.[Athlete individual hygiene] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1925;3:4.

14. Blyakh V. Fizicheskoye ozdorovleniye yunykh lenintsev.[Physical recreation of young Leninists] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1924;8:5-6.

15. Boloban VN. Obucheniye v sportivnoy akrobatike. [Teaching in sports acrobatics] Kiyev: Zdorov›ya, 1986. 128 s.

16. Boloban VN. Sportivnaya akrobatika [ucheb. posobiye dlya in-tov fiz. kul'tury]. [Sports acrobatics]Kiyev: Vishcha shkola, 1988. 166 s.

17. Bondarchuk AP. Metaniye molota.[Hammer throwing] Moskva: FiS, 1985. 111 s.

18. Bondarchuk AP. Pedagogicheskiye osnovy sistemy podgotovki vysokokvalifitsirovannykh legkoatletov-metateley (teoriya, metodika, praktika) [Pedagogical bases of training system of elite throwers] [dis.. d-ra ped. nauk v forme dokl.]. Moskva: GTSOLIFK, 1987. 52 s.

19. Bondarchuk AP. Periodizatsiya sportivnoy trenirovki.[Sports training periodization] Kiyev.: Olimp. lit., 2000. 332 s.

20. Bondarchuk AP. Trenirovka legkoatleta. [Training of track and field athletes]Kiyev: Zdorov›ya, 1986. 160 s.

21. Brazhnik Í, Víl'gal'm M, Moskovkín V. 4 000 vprav. [4 000 exercises]Kharkív: Fízkul'tura, 1930. 264 s.

22. Bulatova MM, Bubka SN, Platonov VN. Olimpiyskiye igry. 1896-1972. [Olympic Games of 1896-1972] Kiyev: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2012. 496 s.

23. Bulatova MM, Bubka SN, Platonov VN. Olimpiyskiye igry. 1976-2012. [Olympic Games of 1976-2012]Kiyev: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2012. 506 s.

24. Bulatova MM, Bubka SN. Kul'turnoye naslediye Drevney Gretsii i Olimpiyskiye igry. [Cultural heritage of Ancient Greece and the Olympic Games]Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2012. 407 s.

25. Bulatova MM. Teoretiko-metodicheskiye osnovy realizatsii funktsional'nykh rezervov sportsmenov v trenirovochnoy i sorevnovatel'noy deyatel'nosti [diss. … d-ra ped. nauk]. [Theoretico-methodical bases of athlete functional reserve realization during training and competitive activities]Kiyev, 1996. 356 s.

26. Vaytsekhovskiy SM. Sistema sportivnoy podgotovki plovtsov k Olimpiyskim igram (teoriya, metodika, praktika) [dis.. d-ra ped. nauk. v forme nauch. dokl.].[System of swimmers’ preparation for the Olympic Games] Moskva: GTSOLIFK, 1985. 52 s.

27. Veynberg RS, Gould D. Psikhologíya sportu: per. z angl. [Sports psychology] Kií̈v: Olímpíys'ka líteratura, 2001. 336 s.

28. Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, [Physical culture herald]1925;1.

29. Vinnik DP, red. Adaptivnoye fizicheskoye vospitaniye i sport; per. Andreyev. [Adaptive physical education and sport] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2010. 608 s.

30. Vídkrittya fakul'tetív pri medínstitutakh. [The opening of departments in medical institutions] Fízkul'turnik Ukraí̈ni, 1931;22:10.

31. Volkov LV. Vibír sportivnoí̈ spetsíalízatsíí̈. [Sports specialization selection]K.: Zdorov’ya, 1973. 164 s.

32. Volkov LV. Sistema upravleniya razvitiyem fizicheskikh sposobnostey detey shkol'nogo vozrasta v protsesse zanyatiy fizicheskoy kul'turoy i sportom [dis.. d-ra ped. nauk]. [System of managing the development of school children abilities during engagement in physical culture and sport]Kiyevskiy GUFK. Kiyev, 1988. 351 s.

33. Volkov LV. Physical abilities of children and adolescents. [Physical abilities of children and adolescents] Kiev: I am healthy, 1981. 117 p.

34. Vrzhesnevsky IV, Parfenov VA, Vrzhesnevsky VV. Organization and methodology of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports: method. allowance. [Organization and methods of studies in physical culture and sport] Kiev: Gosmedizdat of the Ukrainian SSR, 1960. - 213 p.

35. Vrzhesnevsky IV, Sakhnovsky PV. Water polo [textbook. allowance for inst. nat. culture: add.] [Water polo] Com. by physical culture and sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Moscow: FiS, 1969.168 p.

36. Vrzhesnevsky IV. Load and its planning in the process of sports training. On the blue lanes. [Load and its planning during sports training] M., 1966. S. 9-18.

37. Goloborodko M. Hygienic rules for those who go in for weightlifting. Kharkov: [Hygienic rules for weightlifters] Bulletin of physical culture, 1924; 2: 8.

38. Gorkin MY, Kachorovskaya OV, Evgen'eva LA. Heavy loads in sports. [High loads in sport] Kiev: Zdorov'ya, 1973.183 p.

39. Gorkin MY. Heavy loads are the basis of sports training. [High load - basis of sports training] Theory and practice of physical. culture, 1962; 6:45.

40. Gorkin MY. Questions of physiology of youth sports in the light of the teachings of I.P. Pavlov on higher nervous activity. [Issues of youth sport physiology in the light of I.P. Pavlov / s doctrine on higher nervous activity] Theory and practice of physical culture, 1951; 8: 578-84.

41. Goff K. How to learn to jump with a pole. [How to master pole vaulting] Kharkov: Bulletin of physical culture, 1926; 6: 9-11.

42. Grotto Y. Ukrainian sport mіzh Pershoyu and Other svitovy vіyny. [Ukrainian sport between the First and the Second World War] In the book: Encyclopedia of Olympic sports in Ukraine. Kiev, 2005. S. 48.

43. Guskov SI. Sports marketing. [Sports marketing] Kiev: Olymp. lit., 1996.296 p.

44. Decuen A. Waterpolo. Basics of the game. [Water polo. Bases of the game] Kharkov: Bulletin of physical culture, 1926; 6: 11-3.

45. Jackson R. Sports medicine. Practical recommendations: trans. from English [Sports medicine. Practical recommendations] К .: Olympus. lit., 2003.384 p.

46. Egorov A. On the question of the biological nature of training. [To the issue of training biological essence] Kharkov: Bulletin of physical culture, 1926; 10: 5-7.

47. Zelentsov AM, Lobanovskiy VV. Football training simulation. [Training modeling in football] Kiev: Healthy ›I, 1985. 136 p.

48. Іmas ЄB, ed .; Bulatova M, Dutchak M, Kashuba V, ta in. National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. Litopis of the great way. [National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine. Chronicle of great journey] Kiev: Olimp. lit., 2015.242 p.

49. Personnel. [Personnel] Sport, 1938; 1:24.

50. Cambier M. Is it possible to reach 70 meters in javelin throw? [Is it possible to reach 70 m in javelin throwing?] Kharkov: Bulletin of physical culture, 1927; 5: 13-4.

51. Cambier M. Winter training of an athlete. [Winter training of track and field athlete] Kharkov: Bulletin of physical culture, 1926; 1: 8-9.

52. Keller Sun. The activity of athletes in variable conflict situations: monograph. [Activity of athletes in variative conflict situations] Kiev: Zdorov'ya, 1977.184 p.

53. Keller Sun. Research of sportsmen's activity in variable conflict situations: dis .. d-ra ped. sciences; [Study of athletes' activities in variative conflict situations] Lviv: GIFK, 1974.358 p.

54. Keller VS, Platonov VN. Theoretical and methodical bases of training athletes: navch. posib. [Theoretico-methodical bases of athlete preparation] Lviv: USA, 1992. 283 pp.

55. Kolchinskaya AZ. Oxygen modes of the body of a child and adolescent. [Pxygen regimes of children and adolescent body] Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1973. 320 pp.

56. Kohlrausch. About muscle rupture, prevention and treatment. [On muscle rupture, prevention and treatment] Kharkov: Bulletin of physical culture, 1926; 7-8: 8-9.

57. Kohlrausch. Correct breathing during various physical exercises. [Correct breathing during various exercises] Kharkov: Bulletin of physical culture, 1924; 2: 3-4.

58. Korobchenko VV. Athletics. [Track and field] Kiev: Vishcha school, 1977. 137 p.

59. Kremer UD, ed. Endocrine system, sports and physical activity; per. from English [Endocrine system, sport and motor activity] I. Andreev. К .: Olympus. lit., 2008. 600 s.

60. Kudryashov V. Normal'nyy atlet. [Normal athlete]Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1924;7:2.

61. Lapidus D. Proletarskaya fizicheskaya kul'tura i proletarskiy sport.[Proletarian physical culture and sport] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1924;1:1.

62. Laputin AN. Atleticheskaya gimnastika. [Athletic gymnastics] Kiyev: Zdorov›ya, 1985. 112 s.

63. Laputin AN. Obucheniye sportivnym dvizheniyam. [Teaching sports movements] Kiyev: Zdorov›ya, 1986. 213 s.

64. Lenden P. Stil' Osborna v pryzhkakh v vysotu. [Osborn’s style in long jumps]Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1926;7-8:10-1.

65. Luchkin NI. Tyazhelaya atletika: [Ucheb. dlya in-tov fiz. kul'tury]. [Weightlifting] M.: FiS, 1956. 251 s.

66. Makarín M. Trenirovka grebtsa. [Rower training] Sport, 1938;7:8-11.

67. Mak-Komas AD. Skeletnyye myshtsy (Stroyeniye i funktsii): uchebnoye posobiye. [Skeletal muscles (Structure and functions)] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2001. 408 s.

68. Mishchenko VS. Fiziologicheskiye mekhanizmy dolgovremennoy adaptatsii sistemy dykhaniya cheloveka k napryazhennoy myshechnoy deyatel'nosti [dis.… d-ra. biol. nauk]. [Physiological mechanisms of human respiratory system adaptation to strenuous muscular activity]Kiyev, 1984. 416 s.

69. Mishchenko VS. Funktsional'nyye vozmozhnosti sportsmenov. [Athletes’ functional capacities] Kiyev: Zdorov›ya, 1990. 200 s.

70. Monogarov VD. Utomleniye v sporte. [Fatigue in sport] Kiyev: Zdorov›ya, 1986. 117 s.

71. Monogarov VD. Fiziologicheskiye mekhanizmy utomleniya pri napryazhennoy myshechnoy deyatel'nosti [dis.. d-ra biol. nauk]. [Physiological mechanisms of fatigue during strenuous muscular activity] Kiyev: Kiyevskiy gos. in-t fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1983. 341 s.

72. Oleshko VG. Modelyuvannya, vídbír, ta oríêntatsíya pídgotovki sportsmenív u silovikh vidakh sportu. Monografíya. [Modeling, selection and orientation of athletes in strength sports events] Kiyev: Vid-vo «Tsentr uchbovoí̈ líteraturi», 2013. 252 s.

73. Oleshko VG. Upravleniye sostoyaniyem trenirovannosti, kak vazhneysheye usloviye povysheniya effektivnosti podgotovki tyazheloatletov k sorevnovaniyam: [avtoreferat]; [Managing trainability as an important conditions for improvement of weightlifters’ preparation efficiency for competitions] Kiyev. gos. in-t fiz. kul'tury. K., 1981. 22 s.

74. Pavlov S, Tepper N. Kovzal's'kiy sport: Poradnik dlya vikladachív, grupovodív ta aktivu. [Ski sport. Recommendations] Kharkív: Na vartí, 1933. 100 s.

75. Parfenov VA. Plavaniye [per. s ukr.]. [Swimming]Kiyev: Vishcha shkola, 1978. 286 s.

76. Pellet'ye P. Preodolevaniye prepyatstviy v bar'yernom bege na 110 metrov. [110 m hurdling] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1926;10:9-10.

77. Petrovskiy VV. Kibernetika i sport. [Cybenetics and sport]1973. 111 s.

78. Petrovskiy VV. Cheredovaniye raboty i otdykha v sportivnoy trenirovke. [Alternating work and rest in sports training]Kiyev: Gosmedgiz USSR, 1959. 59 s.

79. Platonov VN, Bulatova MM, Bubka SN, i dr. Olimpiyskiy sport. [Olympic sport] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2009. T. 1. 736 s.; T. 2. 696 s.

80. Platonov VN, Vaytsekhovskiy SM. Trenirovka plovtsov vysokogo klassa. [Training of elite swimmers] Moskva: Fizkul'tura i sport, 1985. 256 s.

81. Platonov VN, Gus'kov SI. Olimpiyskiy sport: uchebnik: [Olympic sport] [v 2 kn.]. K.: Olimp. lit., 1994.

82. Platonov VN, red.; Zaporozhanov VA, Keller VS, i dr. Teoriya sporta. [Sports theory] Kiyev: Vishcha shkola, 1987. 424 s.

83. Platonov VN. Adaptatsiya v sporte. [Adaptation in sport] Kiyev: Zdorov’ya, 1988. 216 s.

84. Platonov VN. Issledovaniye sportivnoy trenirovki v plavanii kak tselostnogo slozhnoorganizovannogo ob"yekta [dis. d-ra ped. nauk]. Study of swimming sports training as an integral complex organized object]GTSOLIFK; Kiyev, 1976. 452 s.

85. Platonov VN. Podgotovka kvalifitsirovannykh sportsmenov. [Preparation of skilled athletes] Moskva: Fizkul'tura i sport, 1986. 288 s.

86. Platonov VN. Sistema podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte: obshchaya teoriya i yeye prakticheskiye prilozheniya. [System of athletes’ preparation in the Olympic sport: general theory and its practical applications] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2004. 808 s.

87. Platonov VN. Sovremennaya sportivnaya trenirovka. [Modern sports training] Kiyev: Zdorov’ya, 1980. - 336 s.

88. Platonov VN. Sport vysshikh dostizheniy i podgotovka natsional'nykh komand k Olimpiyskim igram. Otechestvennyy i zarubezhnyy opyt: istoriya i sovremennost'. [Elite sport and preparation of the national teams for the Olympic Games. National and foreign experience: history and modernity] Moskva: Sov. sport, 2010. 312 s.

89. Platonov VN. Teoriya i metodika sportivnoy trenirovki. [Theory and methods of sports training] K.: Vishcha shkola, 1984. 336 s.

90. Platonov VM, red. Lítopis Natsíonal'nogo uníversitetu fízichnogo vikhovannya í sportu Ukraí̈ni (1930-2005). [Chronicle of the National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine )1930-2005)] Kií̈v: Olímpíys'ka líteratura, 2005. 232 s.

91. Platonov VN, red. Doping i ergogennyye sredstva v sporte. [Doping and ergogenic means in sport] K.: Olimp. lit., 2003. 576 s.

92. Platonov VN, red. Entsiklopediya olimpiyskogo sporta: [v 5-ti t.]. [Encyclopedia of the Olympic sport] K.: Olimp. lit., 2002. T. 1. 496 s.; 2004. T. 2. 584 s.; T. 3. 632 s.; T. 4. 607 s.; T. 5. 528 s.

93. Pollok ML, Shmidt DKH. Zabolevaniya serdtsa i reabilitatsiya: uchebnoye posobiye: per. s angl. [Heart diseases and rehabilitation] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2000. 408 s.

94. Privalova T. Fizkul'tura kak obyazatel'nyy predmet v shkole sotsvosa. Physical culture as a mandatory subject in school]Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1925;1:4-5.

95. Rendstrem PAFKH, red. Sportivnyye travmy. Klinicheskaya praktika preduprezhdeniya i lecheniya. [Sports injuries. Clinical practice of prevention and treatment] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2003. 472 s.

96. Rendstrem PAFKH, red. Sportivnyye travmy: osnovnyye printsipy profilaktiki i lecheniya: per. s angl. [Sports injuries: main prevention and treatment principles] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2002. 380 s.

97. Romanenko MI. Boks. [Boxing] Kiyev: Vishcha shkola, 1978. 294 s.

98. Saplivenko L. Trenuvannya boksera.[Training of a boxer] Sport, 1938;9:13-5.

99. Sarubin, E. Populyarnyye pishchevyye dobavki: per. s angl. [Popular dietary supplements] K.: Olimp. lit., 2005. 480 s.

100. Sakhnovskiy KP. Teoretiko-metodicheskiye osnovy sistemy mnogoletney sportivnoy podgotovki [dis. …d-ra ped. nauk]. [Theoretico-methodical bases of the long-term sports training]Kiyev, 1997. 318 s.

101. Sendman Y. Pravo na kiy. [The right for the cue] K.: Olimp. lit., 1999. 196 s.

102. Sili RR, Stivens TD, Teyt F. Anatomiya i fiziologiya: [uchebnik]: v 2 kn.; per. s angl. G. Goncharenko. [Anatomy and physiology] K.: Olimp. lit., 2007. 1224 s.

103. Solonevich B. Normal'nyy atlet. [Normal athlete] Khar'kov: Vestnik fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1924;3:3.

104. Stetsenko YUN. Funktsional'naya podgotovka sportsmenov-grebtsov razlichnoy kvalifikatsii. [Functional preparation of rowers] Uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov universitetov i institutov fizicheskoy kul'tury. Kiyev: UGUFVS, 1994. 191 s.

105. Ter-Ovanesyan A. Pratsyuvati ves' rík (Rezhim. Sportivne spoluchennya. Índivídual'na gímnastika. Robota nad tekhníkoyu). [To work the whole year. (Regime. Sports connection. Individual gymnastics. Work on techniques)] 1939;1- 2:18.

106. Ter-Ovanesyan A. Vesnyane trenuvannya legkoatleta, [Spring training of an athlete]1938;3:18-20.

107. Teslenko NE, Gorkin MYA. Vliyaniye predvaritel'nykh uprazhneniy na effektivnost' pri bege. [Impact of preliminary exercises on running efficiency] Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury, 1938;5:51-9.

108. Uilmor DX, Kostill DL. Fiziologiya sporta i dvigatel'noy aktivnosti: per. s angl. [Physiology of sport and motor activity]: Olimp. lit., 1997. 504 s.

109. Uilmor DX, Kostill DL. Fiziologiya sporta: per. s angl. [Sports physiology] K.: Olimp. lit., 2001. 504 s.

110. Uil'yams M. Ergogennyye sredstva v sisteme mnogoletney podgotovki: per. s angl.] Ergogenic means in the system of long-term preparation]K.: Olimp. lit., 1997. 255 s.

111. Filippov MM. Fiziologicheskiye mekhanizmy regulyatsii protsessa massoperenosa respiratornykh gazov, razvitiya i kompensatsii gipoksii nagruzki pri myshechnoy deyatel'nosti [dis.. d-ra biol. nauk]. [Physiological mechanisms for regulating the process of mass transfer of respiratory gases, development and compensation of load hypoxia during muscular activity] Ordena Lenina AN USSR Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni In-t fiziologiii im. A.A.Bogomol'tsa. Ktev, 1986. 406 s.

112. Fírsov Z. Dbaylivo viroshchuvati maybutníkh maystrív plavannya. [Careful cultivating future swimming masters]Sport, 1938;6:16-9.i

113. Fomin SK. Lyzhnyy sport [metod. posobiye dlya uchiteley fiz. kul'tury i trenerov]. [Skiing]Kiyev: Rad. shk., 1988. 176 s.

114. Khazanovich M. Tekhníka volodínnya m’yachem u gandbolí. [Ball possession technique in handball] Sport, 1938;5:12-6

115. Shakhlina LG. Mediko-biologicheskiye osnovy upravleniya protsessom sportivnoy trenirovki zhenshchin [dis.. d-ra med. nauk]. [Medico-biological bases of managing female sports training] Ukrainskiy gos. un-t fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta. K., 1995. 359 s.

116. Shelkovskiy V. Novoye v voleybole. [New in volleyball] Sport, 1938;1-2:13-9.

117. Enoka RM. Osnovy kineziologii: per. s angl. [Bases of kinesiology] Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 1998. 400 s.

118. Erl RA, Bekhl' TR, red. Osnovy personal'noy trenirovki: kniga dlya fitnestrenera; per. s angl. I. Andreyev; [Bases of personal training: book for fitness coach] Natsional'naya assotsiatsiya silovoy i konditsionnoy trenirovki. Kiyev: Olimp. lit., 2012. 724 s.

119. Bulatova MM, Platonov VN. Entrenamiento en condiciones extremas (altura, frio y variaciones horarias). Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1998. 188 p.

120. Bulatova MM, Platonov VN. Selection, orientacion, direction y control en el sistema de preparation de deportistas [Libro 5.]; traductor Jaime Humberto Leiva Deantonio. Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. 210 p.

121. Godik MA, Popov AV. La preparacion del futbolista. Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo, 1998. 400 p.

122. Latyshkevich LA. Balonmano. Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo, 1991. 376 p.

123. Mishchenko VS, Monogarov VS. Fisiologia del deportista. Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1995. 328 p.

124. Pimenov MP. Voleibol. Aprender y progresar (mas de 500 ejercicios del servicio, pase, remate y bloqueo). Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo, 1997. 297 p.

125. Platonov V N. El entrenamiento: enciclopedia general del ejercicio. Vol. IV. Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo, 1990. 322 p.

126. Platonov VN, Bulatova MM. La preparacion fisica. [6 ed.]. Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1989-2004. 408 p.

127. Platonov VN, Bulatova MM. Preparation fi’sica, tecnico - tactica y psicologica en los deportistas [Libro 3]; traductor Misael Rivera Echeverry. Cali- Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. 114 p.

128. Platonov VN, Fessenko SL. Los sistemas de entrenamsento de los meyores nadadores del mundo: Teorsa y practsca. [2 vol.]. Barcelona, 1994. Vol. 1; 356 p. Vol. 2; 330 p.

129. Platonov VN. Bases generales del sistema de preparacion de los deportistas [Libro; traductor Jaime Cruz Ceron.Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. 400 p.

130. Platonov VN. Construction del proceso de preparation de los | deportistas [Libro 4]; taductora, Elena Konovalova. - Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. 192 p.

131. Platonov VN. El entrenamiento deportivo, teoria y metodologia [4 ed.]. Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1989-1995. 324 p.

132. Platonov VN. La adaptacion en el deporte. [2a ed.]. Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1994. p. 133.

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134. Platonov VN. Modalidades deportivas olimpicas, competencias y actividad competitiva de los deportistas [Libro 1]; traductor Jaime Cruz Ceron. Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. 118 p.

135. Platonov VN. Teoria general del entrenamiento deportivo olimpico. Barcelona: Paidotribo, 2001. 686 p.

136. Platonov VN. Tratado de la actividad fisica las bases del entrenamietnto deportivo. Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1992. 314 p.

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139. Zaparozhanov LP, Latyshkevich LA. Juegos activos. Educacion primaria y educacion secundaria obligatoria. Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo, 1996. 232 p.

140. Zaporozhanov VA, Sirenko BN, Yushko BN. La carrera atletica. Barcelona, 1992. 398 p.

141. Platonov VN. Tratado gérai de treinamento desportivo [traduçao Denise Sales, Felipe Freires de Carvalho]. Säo Paulo: Phorte, 2008.

142. Platonov VN. L’entraînement sportif théorie et méthodologie. Paris: Revue E.P.S., 1988. 290 r.

143. Platonov VN, Fessenko SL. Sistema de treinamento dos melhores nadadores do mundo, v. 1: teoria e pratica (traduçao e revisäo técnica, Marcelo Garcia Massaud; revisado por Antonio Torres Beltran). Rio de Janeiro: Sprint, 2003.

144. Platonov VN, Bulatova MM. A Preparacao Fisica. Rio de Janeiro: Sprint, 2003. 388 p.

145. Platonov VN, Bulatova MM. La preparacion fisica. Rio de Janeiro: Sprint, 2003. 408 p.

146. Platonov VN. Teoria serai do treinamento desportivo ohmpico [trad. Ronei Silveira Pinto, et al.]. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2004.

147. Platonov VN. Treinamento desportivo para nadadores de alto nivel [traduçâo de Denise Regina Sales]. Sâo Paulo: Phorte, 2005. 400 p.

148. Platonov VN., Bulatova MM. (2003). A Preparacao Fisica. Rio de Janeiro: Sprint, 388 p.

149. Platonov VN. L`adaptation des sporties ux charges d'entrainement et de competition. Paris: Revue E.P.S., 1991.

Received 18.12.2020


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