Characteristics of special work capacity functional support in skilled 1000 m kayakers and canoeists

Authors: Andrey Diachenko, Olga Rusanova, Zijian Huang, Chenging Ye
Chapter: Sports Preparation
Published in: 2020, 4

doi: 10.32652/olympic2020.4_2

Objective. To determine the features of the functional support of special work capacity of skilled 1000 m kayakers and canoeists. Methods. Ergometry, gas analysis, pulsometry, biochemical research methods. Results. Analysis of statistical and individual data showed that most rowers had high values of aerobic and anaerobic energy supply (according to VO2max, l, VO2max, ml·min-1 · kg-1, La max 90 s, mmol · l-1); the registered indices did not have statistically significant differences (p > 0.05). Further analysis showed differences in the indices determining the work capacity of rowers in conditions of fatigue development. Differences in the indices of special work capacity functional support indicate different degrees of expressiveness of fatigue compensation mechanisms. Comparison of the indices registered in the process of performing step-increasing load and under load of critical power in rowers with high and low work capacity levels, showed significant differences in pulmonary ventilation response to CO2 release and O2 uptake. In rowers with a high level of work capacity during the period of fatigue development, VE · VO2-1 indices increased by 9.0-9.5%, the difference between the indices of groups of athletes with different levels of special work capacity was statistically significant at p <0.05. In rowers with decreased level of work capacity in the process of performing the «90 s test», the level of pulmonary ventilation response to the release of CO2 (VE · .VCO2-1) did not increase or increased slightly. The values of VE / .VO2 increased as a result of decreased O2 uptake in the «90 s test». The recorded power of glycolytic reactions reached 8.53 ± 0.47 mmol · l-1 (according to La max index in the “30 s test”), whereas capacity - 17.27 ± 0.51 mmol · l-1 and more (according to La max index in «test 90 s»), the difference between the indices of groups of athletes with high and low levels of special work capacity was statistically significant at p < 0,05. Conclusions. The abovementioned test results showed new possibilities for assessing and interpreting the indices of the special performance functional support in qualified 1000 m kayakers.


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Received: 10.12.2020


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