VO2max elevation in elite athletes

Authors: Anatolii Pavlyk
Chapter: Меdicine And Biology
Published in: 2020, 4

doi: 10.32652/olympic2020.4_4

Objective. Development of a differentiated approach to increase the maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) in elite athletes based on the individual use of targeted training effects. Methods. Chronometry, ergometry, pulsometry, spirometry, gas analysis, mathematical statistics. Results. The value of VO2max in athletes during exercise of maximum aerobic power directly affects the level of achievement of athletic work capacity and depends on the individual level of functional manifestations of the respiratory system in terms of minute tidal volume (VE) and oxygen concentration in exhaled air (FEO2). Between athletes with different levels of athletic work capacity there are quite significant differences in the demonstration of the quantitative level in their absolute values. Providing a differentiated impact on each of these functional manifestations of the respiratory system in the process of preparation using continuous and interval training methods, enables a real opportunity to purposefully increase VO2max in elite athletes and achieve on this basis a higher level of their functional capacities and athletic work capacity. A continuous method has a positive effect on the manifestation of the absolute value of FEO2 in exhaled air, whereas the interval method provides a stimulating influence on increasing the absolute value of VE. Conclusions. The developed differentiated approach to improving the training process of elite athletes opens the way for objective increase of VO2max with account for the peculiarities of the individual level of the respiratory system functional manifestations based on the purposeful use of continuous and interval training methods.


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Received: 22.12.2020


doi: 10.32652/olympic2020.4_4

Разработанный дифференцированный подход относительно усовершенствования тренировочного процесса элитных спортсменов открывает возможность для объективного повышения VО2max с учетом особенностей индивидуального уровня функциональных проявлений системы дыхания на основе целенаправленного использования способов беспрерывного и интервального методов подготовки.

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