Название | Авторы | Рубрика | Выпуск | |
Managing key elements of phase structure of sports exercises (by the material of double salto backward tucked dismount from parallel bars) | Begajlo Mikhail, Boloban Viktor, Dobrowolski Edward, Grad Rafal, Mastalerz Andrzei, Niźnikowski Tomasz, Sadowski Eźi, Wisznikowski Waldemar |
Biomechanics | 2014, 3 | |
Managing technico-tactical activity in team sports games | Doroshenko Eduard | Sports Training | 2014, 4 | |
Managing the «Club of Gentlemen» | Berliu Monique | History | 2015, 3 | |
Acceleration of recovery after upper extremity injuries in qualified boxers using kinesio taping | Gurova Antonina, Vertebnaia Anastasia |
Меdicine And Biology | 2017, 2 | |
Carbohydrates in elite sport: stability and innovations of usage | Dmitriev Aleksandr, Gunina Larisa |
Меdicine And Biology | 2019, 1 | |
Unified algorithm of complex control for athletes' fitness in team sports games | Mitova Olena | Sports Preparation | 2019, 2 | |
Conditions for carbon dioxide formation and transfer in the course of muscular activity | Filippov Mikhail | Меdicine And Biology | 2019, 4 | |
Fatigue and adaptation in sport | Dasheva Daniela, Hadzhijev Nikola |
Меdicine And Biology | 2019, 4 | |
Exercises for general development as an effective means of versatile motor training in sport | Sosina Valentyna | Sports Preparation | 2021, 1 |