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Managing key elements of phase structure of sports exercises (by the material of double salto backward tucked dismount from parallel bars) Begajlo Mikhail,
Boloban Viktor,
Dobrowolski Edward,
Grad Rafal,
Mastalerz Andrzei,
Niźnikowski Tomasz,
Sadowski Eźi,
Wisznikowski Waldemar
Biomechanics 2014, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Managing technico-tactical activity in team sports games Doroshenko Eduard Sports Training 2014, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Managing the «Club of Gentlemen» Berliu Monique History 2015, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Acceleration of recovery after upper extremity injuries in qualified boxers using kinesio taping Gurova Antonina,
Vertebnaia Anastasia
Меdicine And Biology 2017, 2 анно�.а�.и�.
Carbohydrates in elite sport: stability and innovations of usage Dmitriev Aleksandr,
Gunina Larisa
Меdicine And Biology 2019, 1 анно�.а�.и�.
Unified algorithm of complex control for athletes' fitness in team sports games Mitova Olena Sports Preparation 2019, 2 анно�.а�.и�.
Conditions for carbon dioxide formation and transfer in the course of muscular activity Filippov Mikhail Меdicine And Biology 2019, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Fatigue and adaptation in sport Dasheva Daniela,
Hadzhijev Nikola
Меdicine And Biology 2019, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Exercises for general development as an effective means of versatile motor training in sport Sosina Valentyna Sports Preparation 2021, 1 анно�.а�.и�.

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