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Laboratory markers of the body’s adaptation to training loads in highly qualified biathletes Nekhviadovich Antonina,
Rybina Irina,
Shirkovets Evgenii
Меdicine And Biology 2017, 2 анно�.а�.и�.
Agility and coordination in the system of physical training for athletes specializing in wrestling and martial arts Nikitenko Aleksei Sports Preparation 2017, 4 анно�.а�.и�.
Personal determinants of the formation of the functional image of a football coach during the work with the teams of various levels of skills Malinovskii Andrei,
Petrovskaya Tatiana
Psychology 2018, 1 анно�.а�.и�.
Personal self-regulation in the system of psychological preparedness of elite athletes in sailing Rodina Yuliia,
Voronova Valentina
Psychology 2018, 3 анно�.а�.и�.
Laboratory diagnosis of overtraining in high performance sport Gunina Larisa,
Rybina Irina,
Voytenko Valentina
Меdicine And Biology 2021, 3 анно�.а�.и�.

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