Автори: Віктор Москвін, Ніна Москвіна
Розділ: Психология
Видано у номері: 2015, 2
Ключові слова: мозг, функциональные асимметрии, профили латеральности, спорт высших достижений, brain, functional asymmetries, laterality profiles, elite sport

Objective. To study incidence of lateral signs among left-handed subjects.
Methods. Review and generalization of scientific literature data,
Results. Diagnostics and determination of functional asymmetry are important for prediction of successful sports participation.
Conclusion. During sports selection and preparation of left-handed athletes one should take into account the existing variants of brain functional asymmetries, interaction of the main biological, psychophysiological, socio-psychological characteristics of athletes and use them as the basis for planning training with account for individual peculiarities of functional specialization and brain zone interaction.

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