Автори: Володимир Гамалій, Ольга Шльонська
Розділ: Биомеханика
Видано у номері: 2016, 1
Ключові слова: командные игровые виды спорта, технико-тактическая подготовка, квалифицированные спортсмены, индивидуальные и групповые модели, программа совершенствования технико-тактических действий, team sports, technical and tactical preparation, elite athletes, individual and group models, program of improving technical and tactical actions
The paper summarizes the new data on the technical and tactical preparation of elite athletes in team sports. The main content of the paper involves the data of own research on the issue of improving sports mastery in elite volleyball players. The formulas and rating scales are developed for assessing the technical and tactical preparedness of team players based on the indicators of their competitive activity (efficiency of attacking actions, the effectiveness of the serving, the effectiveness of the technical and tactical actions in attack). The program of improving technical and tactical actions in attack in elite volleyball players with different team role was proposed based on pedagogical analysis and interpretation of indicators of competitive activity.

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