Автори: Томаш Ніжніковськи, Єжи Садовски, Віктор Болобан, Анджей Масталеж, Вальдемар Вішніковскі, Едвард Добровольський, Міхал Бегайло, Рафал Град
Розділ: Биомеханика
Видано у номері: 2014, 3
Ключові слова: гимнасты, биомеханический анализ, кинематические показатели, соскок, двойное сальто, фазы упражнения, поза тела, узловые элементы, спортивная техника, gymnasts, biomechanical analysis, kinematic indices, dismount, double salto, exercise phases, body posture, key elements, sports techniques

Objective. Evaluating biomechanical efficiency of elite gymnast technical actions in phase structure of double salto backward tucked dismount from parallel bars; identifying key elements of gymnastic exercise sports technique.
Methods. APAS 2000 module computer motion analyzer, expert estimation of dismount sports technique.
Results. New scientific facts concerning management of phase structure of double salto backward tucked dismount from parallel bars obtained as a result of biomechanical analysis of indices of sports technique key elements kinematic structure are presented in the article.
Conclusion. Efficiency of technical actions in coordination complex sports events may be achieved at the expense of identification and management of key elements in exercise phases. Conceptual essence of findings is that each preceding body posture in performed exercise positively influences biomechanics of subsequent one, thus allowing exercise execution without additional motor reorganizations.

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