Автори: Ольга Борисова, Олена Козлова
Розділ: Спортивная Подготовка
Видано у номері: 2019, 3
Ключові слова: professionalization, commercialization, Olympic sport, соmpetitions, tennis, track and field, професіоналізація, комерціалізація, олімпійський спорт, змагання, теніс, легка атлетика
The article highlights the current issues of the Olympic sport based on tennis and track and field - sports events that have their own unique multi-faceted history and development stages that are fundamentally different in content.
Objective. to analyze the development trends of the Olympic sports events in the context of commercialization and professionalization (on the material of tennis and track and field).
Methods. theoretical general logical methods, theoretical systemic methods, methods of scientific cognition.
Results. The article reveals the history of tennis and track and field development, the role of steering organizations in the conditions of sport professionalization and commercialization, the modern competition system influencing preparation of athletes. The prize funds of the most prestigious tournaments and the earnings of individual outstanding athletes are shown. The role of sports elite as a powerful factor in the development of sport and increasing its income is emphasized. Issues of athlete social protection, mechanisms for regulating labor relations and the problems that athletes face are examined. The influence of various specialists on the preparation of athletes and participation in competitions is shown. The role of training centers as a powerful stimulus for sport developments and the creation of a competitive environment are determined as well as changes in the value orientations of athletes.
Conclusion. Prospects for sport development should be associated with solution of the issue of determining the status of “professional” in primordial Olympic sports events, which envisages the improvement of the normative legal and regulatory framework with the formation of a model based on a stable financial and organizational grounds, partnership of public, state and private organizations with the involvement of a broad public asset, the use of modern mechanisms of sports management and training of qualified personnel. Search for effective approaches and training methods that satisfy presentday requests is required.

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