Автори: Ірина Земцова, Людмила Станкевич
Розділ: Биология
Видано у номері: 2015, 2
Ключові слова: антиоксидантная система, тиоловые соединнения, здоровье, спорт, antioxidant system, thiolic compounds, health, sport

Objective. To determine possibilities of usage of thiolic compounds in sports practice as an additional factors for improvement of physical work capacity, acceleration of recovery processes and preservation of athletes’ health.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific literature data.
Results. Literary data on the issue of possible regulation of pxidative homeostasis in the process of athletic preparation have been considered. Important role of the preparations of thiolic nature in maintaining status of antioxidant system in athletes with possible significant decrease of the number of thiolic groups and exhaustion of functional capacities of antioxidant system during strenuous muscular activity has been accentuated.
Conclusion. Positive influence of sulphur-containing antioxidants on oxidative homeostasis providing the increase of adaptation in athletes of different specialization, integral characteristics and current functional state of nervous system, physical work capacity and recovery processes; efficiency of intoxication correction caused by their professional activity hgas been demonstrated

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