Автори: Анатолій Пуцев, Владислав Жуляєв
Розділ: Приглашаем К Дискуссии
Видано у номері: 2015, 4
Ключові слова: травматизм в профессиональном спорте, небрежное поведение, сравнительный анализ права Великобритании и Франции, гармонизация терминологии спортивного права, injuries in professional sport, negligent conduct, comparative analysis of the law of Great Britain and France, harmonization of sports law terminology

Objective. Тo review the interpretation of liability for injuries of professional athletes in the legal systems of the United Kingdom and France.
Methods. The general logical and systemic methods of analysis of the scientific and legal sources, documents of sports, health care organizations.
Results. The differences and the similarities between the legislation of Great Britain and France were revealed in the interpretation of the cases of sports injuries.
Conclusion. The necessity of further work towards the harmonization of legal terms on the basis of existing international experience and development of a better legislative system on issues of sport-related injuries.

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