Автори: Наталія Нестеренко, Олександр Соловей
Розділ: Спортивная Подготовка
Видано у номері: 2016, 2
Ключові слова: юные баскетболисты, скоростно-силовая подготовка, игровое амплуа, дифференцированный подход, предварительная базовая подготовка. SUMMARY, young basketball players, speed-strength training, playing position, differentiated approach, preparatory basic training
The technique was developed and experimentally substantiated for speed-strength training of 13-14 years old basketball players over an annual cycle at the stage of preparatory basic training that is based on the rational use of differentiated tools, depending on the specifics of competitive activity of players with different playing positions. Experimental methodology involves the total number of training hours in compliance with the current program for Children-youth sports schools from 1999 and redistribution of the content of special physical preparation. A feature of the technique was a differentiated approach to the planning of speed-strength training involving the use of block system: each of the blocks included the sets of exercises focused on the development of speed-strength qualities of players with different playing positions. Training blocks met the playing specialization of athletes and differed in content of applied exercises. The focus of training load was determined by the number of repetitions, duration of exercise and duration of rest intervals. Physical qualities evolved depending on the importance of the leading factors in the structure of the speed-strength preparedness of basketball players with different playing position.

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