Автори: Валерій Виноградов, Ши Лей
Розділ: Спортивная Тренировка
Видано у номері: 2014, 2
Ключові слова: эргогенные средства, внетренировочные средства, квалифицированные спортсмены, спортивная подготовка, ergogenic aids, extra-training aids, qualified athletes, sports preparation

Objective. Based on the data of scientific publications, to show the utility of the use of extra-training aids of stimulation in the preparation of elite athletes.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of current literature.
Results. It is shown, that potential of intensification of training and competitive activity cannot be effectively realized without implementation of extra-training aids for training process optimization. An approach is presented for development of action system aimed at stimulation and recovery of special performance of elite athletes as an essential constituent of training process.
Conclusion. It was proved the possibility of the use of extra-training and training aids aimed at a common goal for stimulation of performance and recovery responses as a constituent of sports training for elite athletes.

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