Автори: Тобі Райдер
Розділ: История
Видано у номері: 2016, 4
Ключові слова: МОК, олимпийская команда беженцев, CIA, IOC, Refugee Olympic team
The article describes the materials reflecting the efforts of the CIA and the IOC to establish a Refugee Olympic team. Particular attention is paid to the fact that among the millions of refugees there are many athletes of the highest calibre. It is mentioned that in March, 2016 the IOC established and recognized a Refugee Olympic Team.

Онлайн версия журнала "Наука в олимпийском спорте""

2021, 4
2021, 4
Crossref Member WorldCat Index Copernicus Ulrichs Академия Google Бібліотека Вернадського Наукова періодика України (УРАН)