Автори: Володимир Павлов, Олена Лінде, Зураб Орджонікідзе, Віталій Ніколаєв, Вадим Дєєв
Розділ: Медицина
Видано у номері: 2014, 2
Ключові слова: велоэргометр, тредбан, максимальный нагрузочный тест, пиковое потребление кислорода, пиковая частота сердечных сокращений, cycle ergometer, treadmill, maximal exercise testing, peak oxygen consumption, peak heart rate
Comparative analysis of dynamics of physiological indices was performed in maximal exercise testing of a group of athletes on cycle ergometers and treadmills. It is shown that besides high maximum values of the indices, especially of oxygen consumption and peak heart rate, reached in the treadmilltest, various types of physiological trends in process of the testing were observed. This fact is caused by various patterns and amplitudes of physiological changes in exercise testing with various types of ergometers. This fact should be taken into consideration in calculation and interpretation of indirect indices of physical performance.

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