Автори: Сергій Бубка, Володимир Платонов, Марія Булатова, Наталія Коваленко, Тастанбек Єсентаєв
Розділ: Социология, Экономика, Менеджмент
Видано у номері: 2017, 3
Ключові слова: антураж, олимпийский спорт, окружающая среда, спортсмены, государственная политика в спорте, обеспечение спортивной подготовки, entourage, environment, athletes, government policy in sport, provision for sports preparation, Olympic sport
The analytical review article comprehensively examines various components of entourage in the Olympic sport - the environment surrounding athletes, which plays an important role in implementing and providing their preparation (training and competitive activities) and in a number of related areas which are of great importance for athletes both during their sports career and after its completion, as well as various aspects of the relationships between athletes and their environment (entourage).

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