Автори: Наталія Добринська
Розділ: Из Опыта Выдающихся Спортсменов
Видано у номері: 2014, 2
Ключові слова: средства специальной подготовки, виды легкоатлетического семиборья, многоборья, aids of special technical training, events of heptathlon, combined track and field events
The article summarizes experience of many years of the use of special exercises by N. Dobrynskaia, champion of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008, world record holder in track and field pentathlon. Nataliya Dobrynska success was due to not only extraordinary natural potential, but also sensible design of the training strategy, scientifically sound planning of the training process based on the rational use of highly efficient specific exercises. They were the pivot around which the entire system of athlete’s training was built, the tasks of physical qualities development, and technical and integrated training, were addressed.

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