Автори: Кайрат Закір'янов
Розділ: Приглашаем К Дискуссии
Видано у номері: 2017, 4
Ключові слова: античные Олимпийские игры, охотники-прототюрки, приледниковая зона, Северная Азия, Туран, миграции туранских племен, возникновение древних цивилизаций Евразии, Древняя Греция, Antic Olympic Games, proto-Turkic hunters, periglacial zone, Northern Asia, Turan steppes, migrations of turanian tribes, emergence of ancient civilizations in Eurasia, Ancient Greece
In this article, the author, on the basis of existing scientific and historical facts, proves that the emergence of all early civilizations in Eurasia was connected with the movement of the most ancient proto-Turkic tribes from the Turan steppes. The long-distance migrations of these nations contributed to the emergence of Sumer and Ancient Egypt, Elam and the Indian civilization, Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece, in the last of which the famous Olympics were born.

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