Автори: Маріо Байк, Любов Поліщук, Вікторія Нагорна
Розділ: Спортивная Тренировка
Видано у номері: 2014, 3
Ключові слова: координационные способности, дифференцировка мышечных усилий, подготовленность, вестибулярная устойчивость, координированность движений, coordination capacities, muscular effort differentiation, fitness, vestibular stability, coordination of movements
Coordination of movements, level of spatial and temporal precision of motions, subtlety of muscular effort differentiation, vestibular stability, speed of responses, level of physical capacity development and possibilities of their realization are the basis of top level athlete fitness in such sports events as billiard and tennis. Estimation criteria for the level of development of different coordination capacity types in top level athletes of playing sports (by the example of billiard and tennis) have been elaborated, the most significant components of coordination capacities have been determined for the given sports events.

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