Автори: Володимир Платонов
Розділ: Спортивная Тренировка
Видано у номері: 2015, 1
Ключові слова: спортсмены, переутомление, перенапряжение, перетренированность, athletes, overstrain, overexertion, overtraining

Objective. To consider the issue of athletes’ overtraining and factors underlying it.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of special literature data as well as the experience of world sports practice.
Results. In the course of studies such indices as overstrain, overexertion, underlying such phenomenon as the overtraining; risk factors of overtraining, strategies for these phenomena prevention have been determined.
Conclusion. To prevent overtraining, the coaches working with both young and adult athletes should keep watch over their training process as well as focus on other factors related to their private life.

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