Автори: Віталій Апокін, Олександр Повзун
Розділ: Медицина
Видано у номері: 2015, 1
Ключові слова: биологический ритм, хронобиологический анализ, адаптационные возможности организма, неспецифическая адаптоспособность, сердечно-сосудистая система, biological rhythm, chronobiological analysis, body adaptation capacities, nonspecific adaptability, cardiovascular system

Objective. To estimate changes of functional and adaptation capacities of highly skilled swimmers after time zone alterations on the basis of analysis of circadian rhythms of cardiovascular system indices.
Methods. Analysis of special literature, pedagogical observation, cardiovascular system functional studies.
Results. It has been demonstrated that zone time shift during alteration of climate and time zones represents significant load, inducing coordinated and acute adaptations of body biological rhythms, which should be taken into account. It has been revealed that under conditions of operative and strategic reserve mobilization at the stages of acute and long-term adaptation, the response of circulatory system of top level athletes provides quite objective information about the body functional state on the whole.
Conclusion. In the majority of athletes adaptation capacities within short time period contribute to normalization of a negative functional reorganizations in the body during prolonged east to west travels.

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