Автори: Сем Ношадха, Жанна Кушнір
Розділ: Социология, Экономика, Менеджмент
Видано у номері: 2020, 1
Ключові слова: mediation, alternative dispute resolution, ADR, international arbitration, Olympic Charter, Olympism, sport arbitration, sport and cancellation, медіація, альтернативне вирішення суперечок, міжнародний арбітраж, Олімпійська хартія, олімпізм, спортивний арбітраж, спорт, примирення

Objective. Today, one of the most important aspects in international sport contracts is how to resolve disputes with regards to understanding the inter-operation or acting agreement provision. Sport disputes infl uence speed, privacy information, investment and fi nancial security of contract performance. One of the most eff ective alternative dispute resolution ways is “mediation”, as a quick, less hassle, and cheaper dispute resolution mechanism, and the best alternative dispute resolutions before applying sport arbitration courts. In this article, diff erences between the dispute and confl ict will be discussed. The following methods will be explained: using silence technique; critical thinking skills; complex problem solving. Additionally, some practices of mediation as an eff ective dispute resolution method in sport will be provided.
Conclusion. Mediation shows a way to participate in the adversarial process without being an adversary. It requires a sport mediator to use many skills in order to help competing parties put the controversy behind them. The mechanism of mediation has diff erent regulations, processing documentation, and conditions comparing mediation before commercial or investment arbitration courts. Also, for sport mediation, the mediator needs to have professional understanding and knowledge in the specifi c area of sport. An important condition for mastering the professional competencies of a sport mediator is the presence of a mediator’s constant practice of dispute resolution. In fact, mediation as a mechanism of sport dispute resolution is a gentle way which keeps the friendly relationship between parties and, this method of sport dispute resolution follows the fundamental principles of Olympism at the Olympic Charter.

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