Автори: Олена Козлова, Ван Вей
Розділ: Биомеханика
Видано у номері: 2020, 2
Ключові слова: іndividualization, long jump, technical mastery, technique, athlete

Objective. Improving the process of technical mastery of qualifi ed athletes based on determination of the individual biomechanical characteristics of long jump technique.
Methods. Analysis of scientifi c and methodological literature and the Internet; video recording; biomechanical video computer analysis; methods of mathematical statistics. To determine the regularities of rational organization of long jumps biomechanical structure the study involved 15 athletes who performed from 3 to 6 attempts. The individual characteristics of long jump technique of two athletes representing Ukraine and China were analyzed according to the results of three successful attempts. The technology of biomechanical video computer analysis included two main stages: video camera recording and processing of the obtained videograms by means of "Dartfi sh", "Motion Analysis Tools" and "BioVideo" specialized software.
Results. Biomechanical regularities of long jump have been determined, without which it is impossible to purposefully improve technical skills of qualifi ed athletes. A comparative analysis of long jump individual technique of two athletes allowed to reveal statistically signifi cant diff erences in eight biomechanical indices and to provide recommendations for exercise selection. Possibilities of improving technical skills of athletes on the basis of preferential way of information perception are shown.
Conclusions. It has been established that in order to improve technical skills of athletes it is necessary to focus on those individual biomechanical characteristics of sports technique, which are the key to success and ensure the achievement of high sports results. Prospects for further research should be associated with the design of individual biomechanical models that guide athletes to achieve the planned sports results in the long jump, the defi nition of an individual way of perceiving information to improve the process of motor action control.

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