Автори: Едуард Дорошенко
Розділ: Спортивная Тренировка
Видано у номері: 2014, 4
Ключові слова: соревнование, подготовка, управление, техника, эффективность, амплуа, квалификация, результат, тактика, действие, competition, preparation, management, technique, tactics, action, efficiency, position, qualification, result

Objective. generalization of conceptual bases and formation of pedagogical technology for managing technico-tactical activity in team sports games.
Methods. analysis of data of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observations; analysis of competitive activity protocols, advanced pedagogical experience; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. Components of technico-tactical activity management in team sports games have been considered. It has been demonstrated that usage of management system for technico-tactical activity contributes to optimization of educational and training process of skilled athletes.
Conclusion. Usage of management system for technico-tactical activity in team sports games is a prerequisite for improvement of competitive process efficiency in skilled and highly skilled athletes.

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