Автори: Юрій Литвиненко, Єжи Садовски, Томаш Ніжніковськи, Віктор Болобан
Розділ: Биомеханика
Видано у номері: 2014, 4
Ключові слова: гимнасты, устойчивость тела, микроколебания, макроколебания, регу- ляция позы, gymnasts, body stability, micro vibrations, macro vibrations, posture regulation

Objective. Evaluation of individual means for regulation of posture of highly skilled gymnasts while solving the tasks of body stability in motor tests.
Methods. Kistler’s stabilographic platform was used for measurements; motor tests: handstand, Romberg test, Biriuk test, expert estimation, statistics.
Results. While solving the tasks of body stability in motor tests individual ways of micro vibrations of body chains and macro vibrations in sagittal and frontal planes have been revealed; symmetry and asymmetry of body posture regulation, indices of energy expenditure have been registered. The quality of posture regulation during motor test performance was determined by complex conditions of body position in support, restricted visual orientation, test correspondence to sports event specifics.
Conclusion. The way of micro vibrations during solution of body stability tasks in motor tests by highly skilled gymnasts is the most strategically important for efficient development and management of the system of athlete posture regulation.

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