Автори: Ольга Борисова, Юрій Мічуда
Розділ: Социология, Экономика, Менеджмент
Видано у номері: 2014, 4
Ключові слова: спорт, теннис, коммерциали- зация, рынок труда, рабочая сила, sport, tennis, commercialization, labour market, man power

Objective . Determination of the main problems and prospects of labour market development in modern professional tennis.
Methods. Analysis, synthesis and generalization; comparison, correlation and analogy; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. The world professional tennis development occurs in accordance with the regularities, peculiar for complex socio-economic systems. Professional tennis, belonging to business sphere, conditions atmosphere of intense competition in all its structural units, including the labour market. Its most distinctive features are high mobility of man power, dynamic model of its proposition; determining role of segment, represented by elite athletes, high income differences of these and other athletes.
Conclusion. Obtained results allow to get deeper scientific notions about approaches to solution of such problems as labour market formation in sport and extrapolation of findings on other events of the Olympic sport.

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