Автори: Юрій Мічуда
Розділ: Социология, Экономика, Менеджмент
Видано у номері: 2014, 1
Ключові слова: олимпийский спорт, спонсор, рекламно-спонсорские программы, «паразитический маркетинг», Olympic sports, sponsor, advertising and sponsorship programs, «ambush marketing»

Objective. To identify trends in the development of Olympic sports sponsorship at the beginning of the new century.
Methods. System analysis; comparison and analogy; statistics.
Results. It was found that at the beginning of the new century the sponsorship remains constant factor in the development of Olympic sports ensuring its economic independence. A decisive role in providing sponsorship is played by companies occupying leading positions in the world economy. It was found that this period is marked by changes in the composition of the Olympic sponsors as well as in their economic strategy.
Conclusion. The main factors that influence the implementation of advertising and sponsorship programs of IOC and the development of its partnership with sponsors are: existence of a «parasitic marketing», involving sponsors in solving the political problems, inadequate identification of companies as sponsors of the Olympic Games by customers.

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