Автори: Володимир Платонов
Розділ: Теория Подготовки Спортсменов
Видано у номері: 2016, 3
Ключові слова: теория спортивной подготовки, методология построения спортивной подготовки, понятийно-теоретический аппарат, theory of athletes’ preparation, methodology of building up of athletes’ preparation, conceptual and theoretical apparatus
The paper provides an analysis of historical background of the formation of the general theory of athletes’ preparation as an integral system of knowledge, as well as illustrates the contribution to its development of representatives of different academic disciplines and different scientific schools and achievements of advanced sports practice. Methodological approach to the theory development is substantiated; its functions, concepts, and theoretical apparatus are specified. The modern system of knowledge is presented along with its role in shaping of Eastern and Western scientific schools; promising avenues for further development of the theory and their relevance to sports practice are outlined.

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