Автори: Володимир Платонов
Розділ: Спортивная Подготовка
Видано у номері: 2015, 3
Ключові слова: теория подготовки спортсменов, восточноевропейская научная школа, западная научная школа, системно-интеграционный подход, theory of athletes’ preparation, eastern European scientific school, western scien-tific school, system-integration approach
The paper contains the history of development and the current state of knowledge in the theory of athletic preparation accumulated by eastern European and western scientific schools. On the basis of comparative-historical, system-integration and logical methods of studies the factors underlying the development and the current state of these schools have been analyzed; the weak and strong aspects of each of them have been characterized; the ways of the theory of athlete preparation development and the role of integratism methodology for their realization have been outlined.

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