Автори: Віктор Болобан, Володимир Потоп
Розділ: Биомеханика
Видано у номері: 2014, 1
Ключові слова: спортивная техника, поза тела, узловые элементы, фазовая структура, gymnastics, sports technique, kinematics, body posture, key elements, phase structure, athletic performance

Objective. Biomechanical analysis of kinematic structure variables of key elements of sports technique of apparatus exercises in the women’s gymnastics all-around based on the implementation of the method of postural marks.
Methods. Analysis of the data of scientific-methodical literature; video registration of exercises; use of computer programs; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. Key elements of sports technique of gymnastic exercises are studied and identified in the phase structure of Yurchenko vaults, dismounts from uneven bars and balance beam, and floor exercises.
Objective variables of key elements are the new knowledge of sports technique of exercises and the basis for designing programs teaching previous and subsequent body postures in the phase structure of gymnastic exercise.
Conclusion. Significant correlation between kinematic structure variables of key elements of sports technique of gymnastic exercises and high scores of gymnasts in Romanian Championships in gymnastics, 2012, allow to recommend the method of postural marks of movements and the results of research for the use in coordination sports.

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