Автори: Едуард Дорошенко, Руслана Сушко, Раса Крейвен
Розділ: Спортивная Подготовка
Видано у номері: 2015, 4
Ключові слова: баскетбол, подготовка, этап, соревнования, уровень, индивидуализация, амплуа, действия, показатели, результат, basketball, preparation, stage, competitions, level, individualization, qualification, playing position, actions, indices, result

Objective. To summarize the problems of highly skilled basketball players’ preparation at the stage of maximum realization of individual capabilities and to determine the ways of their optimization.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of the data of methodical literature and experience of leading experts; analysis of competitive activity proto-cols; pedagogical observations.
Results. The problems of highly skilled basketball players’ preparation at the stage of maximal realization of individual capabilities are discussed as follows: official international and national competitions, educational, control and friendly matches. It has been demonstrated that the given indices significantly differ, which creates prerequisites for correction of training process. Official statistical materials of European basketball championship 2015 have been used.
Conclusion. The major ways of the given problem solution are the rotation of team roster considering the level of competitive process, team staffing considering prediction assumptions about competitive process character, selection and use of highly specialized exercises similar in type and intensity of the loads to the competitive ones, which also take into account individual characteristics of athletes and their playing position.

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