Автори: Микола Акуліч, Микола Кручинський, Світлана Скобялко, Наталія Максюта
Розділ: Медицина И Биология
Видано у номері: 2015, 4
Ключові слова: спортсмены, гребля академическая, низкоинтенсивное лазерное излучение, эритрон, гомеостаз, athletes, rowing, low intensity laser radiation, erythron, homeostasis

Methods: Analysis of scientific literature; hematological, biochemical, immunoenzymatic, clinical.
Results. Positive effect of the low intensity laser radiation for enhancement of the recovery of young athletes specialized in rowing was shown. It was revealed that changes of structural parameters of blood cellular elements - erythrocytes and reticulocytes - occur in combination with modification of hemoglobin and renewal of cell population. The possibility to correct oxygen transport characteristics of erythron by laser-optical methods was demonstrated.
Conclusion. Obtained data may provide a fundamental basis to develop the approaches for assessing the therapeutic efficiency of the impacts of photohemotherapy in sports medicine, which are still unavailable.

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