Автори: Ільдус Ахметов
Розділ: Биология
Видано у номері: 2014, 3
Ключові слова: гемоглобин, гемоглобиновая масса, физическая работоспособность, гипоксия, угарный газ, hemoglobin, hemoglobin mass, physical work capacity, hypoxia, carbon monoxide

Objective. Presentation of data about hypoxic training influence on hemoglobin mass and description of the technology of its determination.
Methods. Analysis of special scientific literature.
Results. Hemoglobin mass is a genetically determined trait which tends to increase (by 4-8 %) after hypoxic training at an altitude of 2100-2500 m above sea level. Hemoglobin mass increase positively correlates with improvement of athlete’s aerobic capacity.
Conclusion. Therefore, unlike classical hematological indices, the analysis of hemoglobin mass may be used for evaluation of hypoxic training efficiency.

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