Автори: Едуард Дорошенко
Розділ: Спортивная Тренировка
Видано у номері: 2014, 1
Ключові слова: баскетбол, квалификация, управление, анализ, техника, тактика, действие, результат, basketball, qualification, management, analysis, technique, tactics, result

Objective. To identify and analyze the technical and tactical performance of elite basketball players in the games of final tournament of the European Championship in 2013.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific-methodical literature, competition score sheets, and advanced pedagogical practice; pedagogical observations; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results. The use of measures of technical and tactical activity as a factor of management system in preparation of elite basketball players was examined. It was shown that these indices allow creating optimal orientation of training process with the use of specialized means at various stages of the annual training cycle.
Conclusion. It was found, that the measures of technical and tactical activity can be used as the model characteristics in the system of elite basketball players preparation.

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