Автори: Олена Гаврилова, Лариса Гуніна
Розділ: Медицина
Видано у номері: 2014, 3
Ключові слова: биологически активные добавки, фармакология спорта, нутрицевтики, хоккей, спортсмены, biologically active supplements, sports pharmacology, nutraceuticals, hockey, athletes

Objective. Formation of algorithms of pharmacological promotion at different stages of elite hockey-player training process.
Methods. Analysis and generalization of the data of scientific and methodical literature and personal observations.
Results. Examination of modern scientific literature data and normative base in the given issue has shown that application of biologically active supplements is an obligatory element of preparation system, the main principles of which include safety and anti-doping purity, continuous scheme of their prescription during macrocycle with outlining the competitive period as being the most significant.
Conclusion. The main pharmacological means, necessary for elite hockey-players during annual preparation cycle with account for functional status of limiting systems, are biologically active supplements of complex general tonic action, neurotropic drugs, adaptogenes, means of protection and recovery of articular-ligamentous apparatus.

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